Fear Is Always a Call for Love

About Divine Love

I know for a fact that divine Love is perfect. Being perfect, it loves everyone unconditionally.

It sees no differences; there are no “good people” or “bad people”, no more deserving or less deserving, no more guilty or less guilty. It doesn’t see guilt. It only sees innocence. Remember, it loves everyone UNCONDITIONALLY.

This love is not to be confused with what we commonly experience as the feeling of love. Which can be very conditioned. Conditioned to liking certain people but disliking others… Perfect love sees no specialness. For perfect love everyone is special, no one is left out.

Perfect Love is all encompassing. Being all encompassing, it has no opposite. This is pretty powerful, isn’t it? Nothing has the power to oppose, attack, diminish or affect Divine Love.

The Power of Love is Your Strength

That great loving mind lives within you, you are an extension of it. It’s your origin. And the best part is, you can re-connect with it, anytime you want. How? Give love unconditionally. Which is the same as saying, “for-give“.

When confronted with challenges in the relationships you have with family, friends, work, money, health, etc., stop the judgements for a minute and remember:

  • You are ONE with everyone and everything
  • This moment is exactly as it should be
  • What is called the world is only thought in the mind.

In one way or another, every spiritual tradition expresses this truth.

All events in your life are a reflection of your thoughts and feelings. Every situation is there to teach you something. Ask yourself, why am I encountering this challenge? The answer will always be, because there is something here I need to for-give.

Worry, anger, hatred and attack are always a call for love. Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

Attacking the opinions of others is not the best defense. The best defense is acknowledging the perfect Love that you are. Your perfect and unchangeable oneness with all. Once you are there, extending love becomes natural.

This is the power of love and THAT, is your strength!

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