Train Your Mind to See the Good in Every Situation

A problem is never a problem unless you see it that way. How can you train your mind to see the good in every situation?

Trust life and accept this present moment exactly as it is. Be open to embrace the fact that life has a better plan for you than your own plan. EVERY situation in your life has a higher purpose and a valuable lesson to teach you.

But in order to trust you need to stop judging situations and people as “good” or “bad”. When you live from this place of trust, life becomes a source of opportunities for learning, growth and evolution.

This is difficult but not impossible. It takes discipline but it is the best, most rewarding mind training exercise you will ever practice.

Always remember that your happiness does not depend on the way your life “looks”, it depends ONLY on the quality of the thoughts you are choosing to entertain.

Three Steps to Train Your Mind to See The Good in Every Situation:

I want to share a practice that has ALWAYS helped me change the outlook of any situation. It helps me drop my “petty” judgements and be open to receive a higher insight and understand things from a place of peace instead of fear. It is a simple routine but it takes discipline.

Anytime you are feeling upset, worried, angry, unhappy, disappointed, etc., follow these three steps:

  1. Bring to your awareness the problem, whatever it is, that’s troubling you. For an instant, at least, be willing to drop your opinions about the situation.
  2. Hold back from blaming someone or something outside yourself, for the situation you are experiencing. This is the most difficult step and it’s almost impossible to accomplish alone. You need to hand it over to the mind (Higher Self, Universe, Spirit …) that can see it for what it is, the loving mind within you, that will TRANSLATE it for you, and help you see it differently.
  3. Hand it over repeatedly throughout the day. Every time you are feeling upset, simply hand it over: “I give you my thoughts… Help me see this differently”. Again, “I give you my thoughts… Help me see this differently” and again, “I give you my thoughts… Help me see this differently”. All day long!

Just try it on your own, you’ll be blown away. Sometimes, it takes just a while, sometimes it takes a bit longer. But I can assure you it never, ever fails!

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